
Vince Athey - Best Man 
Don has known Vince since high school.  Stand around us for awhile and inevitably you'll hear a discussion about cars, Redskins vs.Cowboys, more cars, dumb things we did when we were younger, and, yes, cars.  Sensing a theme?  But aside that, Vince has been there for me through some tough times too, and I'm glad to have him as my best man.
Stephen Weary
Steve is my younger brother.  As kids we were typical brothers.  I pushed him off the porch and he stabbed me with a pencil.  But as we got older we (sort of) began to appreciate each other more and became friends.

Dan Jacobs
Dan is Stacey's brother-in-law.  Besides having the Campbell sisters in common, we both enjoy sports and cars (this again is a common theme) and have odd pet names for each other.  Dan is a great guy and friend, and I'm not just saying that because he's family!